by Gail Mercer-MacKay | Blogging
Make the old new again by repurposing blog content. It’s a great way to save time and increase the longevity of your work for new audiences. Keep in mind, though, that not all blog content is worthy of repurposing. The content must be timeless or at least worthy of...
by Gail Mercer-MacKay | Blogging, Content marketing
Your blog is an essential sales tool. But, are you treating it like one? The truth of the matter is: By providing valuable content, your blog creates an audience. And, having this audience gives you the opportunity to advertise! Ask yourself: What do you want the...
by Caitlin Toonders | Blogging
Blogging. It is no longer an option for your business, but a must-have and must-do. A blog has become the pillar of a business’s brand and a communication tool published through an effective technology – the internet. For B2B marketers, those that use blogs receive...
by Gail Mercer-MacKay | Blogging, Storytelling
If you are using blogging, eBooks, press releases or other content vehicles, one of the best ways to engage your reader is to tell them a story. Your story needs facts, action and an emotional connection that your reader can relate to. Check out the following five...
by Gail Mercer-MacKay | Blogging, Storytelling
When I work with clients to help them develop a strategy for blogging, typically they are first concerned about voice and tone, followed by a worry that they have nothing to say. The question I often hear is, “What should I blog about?” Producing thoughtful blogs that...
by Gail Mercer-MacKay | Blogging
“I went to Second City, where you learned to make the other actor look good so you looked good and National Lampoon, where you had to create everything out of nothing, and SNL, where you couldn’t make any mistakes, and you learned what collaboration was.” Bill Murray...