Three Rules for Building Customer Testimonials
I was sitting in my office this morning, preparing my workshop for the Microsoft World Partner Conference in Washington, DC, and I was thinking – what is it that I love about my job? What makes me get up in the morning and get excited about going to work? My backyard is filled with a […]
Keywords, Long-Tail Search and Story-Telling in Your Blog
Using a summary paragraph at the start of your blog post can help you capitalize on all of the keywords and long-tail search phrases you need for SEO traffic without detracting from a great story. For those of you who know me, I am a big believer in using fiction or story-telling techniques to get […]
Creating Buzz on a Budget
Content marketing. It is the new darling of marketing AND it is the method organizations are relying on to build online relationships. Blogs, tweets, e-books, case studies, infographics, white papers – all of these digital assets are being created to share information, educate and entertain prospects, customers and partners. And it’s working. According to a […]
The Secret to Writing a Winning Business Award Submission
Winning a business award, being recognized by your peers for innovation and hard work is not simply satisfying, it is another way to raise your business profile in today’s noisy world. For many organizations, award submissions are planned annually and are included as part of an overall marketing strategy. Typically, an award win or finalist […]
Why Information Technology Content Marketers Need Great Story Tellers
In this blog posting, Lois Gordon discusses why her background and education as an accomplished fiction writer makes her the ideal candidate to help Mercer-MacKay clients tell their stories in compelling ways. When Gail first approached me about taking on some writing assignments for her burgeoning business, my first thought was “Me? Writing for IT? […]
3 Proven Reasons Blogs Are Important for Business
When I approach new clients about blogs, they’re often skeptical. This is especially true for technology clients. After all, these articles represent more work for them (or more costs, if they’re out-sourcing to a specialist), aren’t as flashy as traditional ads, and need long-term commitment. This is all true, of course. But what they’re missing […]
No ‘Boo’ing For Ghostwriters
Why more and more executives are turning to ghost bloggers to help them establish voice, authority and industry leadership. If hiring your own “ghost” sounds appealing, check out these do’s and don’ts to help you and your writer succeed. I hate to be the one to burst your bubble but, yes, it’s true – not […]
Confessions of a Ghost Blogger – What I Learned From Improv, Second City, Yes and … Bill Murray
“I went to Second City, where you learned to make the other actor look good so you looked good and National Lampoon, where you had to create everything out of nothing, and SNL, where you couldn’t make any mistakes, and you learned what collaboration was.” Bill Murray Saying “Yes…and” is the basis to all Improv. […]
The 5 Must-Have Blog Strategies to Keep You on the Blogging Track
When I work with clients to help them develop a strategy for blogging, typically they are first concerned about voice and tone, followed by a worry that they have nothing to say. The question I often hear is, “What should I blog about?” Producing thoughtful blogs that have some substance to them is important if […]
Quiet Minds Make Creative Noise
“In order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for the constructive use for solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone.” – Rollo May Most of us are terrified of silence. We avoid it often and we avoid it well. But the irony is that quiet minds make noise – […]
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