How to co-create blog content with ChatGPT and AI prompting 

How to co-create blog content with ChatGPT and AI prompting  If you’re into blogging or creating content, you’ve probably heard about how Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT can be super helpful. In our experience, creating successful content with GenAI tools requires blending your expertise in the topic you want to write about with strong […]

How to co-create blog content with ChatGPT and AI prompting 

If you’re into blogging or creating content, you’ve probably heard about how Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT can be super helpful. In our experience, creating successful content with GenAI tools requires blending your expertise in the topic you want to write about with strong AI prompting abilities.  

To show how you can effectively do this using ChatGPT, we’ve put together a guide for blog creation. We take an example of a blog we recently wrote and walk you through the process, sharing prompt ideas, and demonstrating how to “chat” with ChatGPT to make your blog even better.  

The process to use ChatGPT as a blog co-creator 

Our recent blog post, “Unlock ChatGPT’s potential: 4 key personas for elevating your B2B marketing,” is an example how we used ChatGPT as a blog co-creator. Using a GenAI tool allows you to get a first draft in a strong state relatively quickly. Here’s how the process unfolds: 

Identify the purpose, audience, and context 

Begin by defining the goal of your blog, its target audience, and any context you can provide around the topic. This step ensures that the prompts you provide to ChatGPT are aligned with your readers’ interests and needs and builds in the specific expertise you’re looking to showcase.  

In our recent blog post, we aimed to educate a broader audience about a simple way to integrate GenAI into marketing activities using four AI personas. This required taking knowledge from our heads and from internal marketing materials and turning it into blog content. For ChatGPT to understand, we needed to share this context – much like a project brief.  

Example: Our goal is to create a 500–700-word blog post that shares four key personas a marketer can use with ChatGPT to support and streamline marketing execution. These personas include: the intern for routine tasks, the thought partner for brainstorming support, the critic for constructive feedback, and the teacher for knowledge and insights. The ideal readers for this blog post are B2B marketers, digital marketers, and content creators. 

Structure the blog 

Use ChatGPT to create a structured outline for your blog, including headings and subheadings that logically organize your content. This helps make the blog reader- and SEO-friendly. 

Example prompt: “Create an outline for a blog that explains four personas of ChatGPT for marketing, including intern, thought partner, critic, and teacher.” 

Develop content for each section 

With a clear structure in place, dive deeper into each section by prompting ChatGPT to generate detailed content for each section. In our example, we did this by persona type with the intention to share how a marketer can use the persona, as well as practical examples of prompts. During this stage in the process, you can get very specific about key points you want included.  

Example prompts for each persona: 

“Write a detailed explanation of how ChatGPT can serve as an Intern for content creation.”

“Provide examples of how ChatGPT can act as a Thought Partner in brainstorming marketing strategies.”

“Explain how to use ChatGPT as a Critic to improve marketing content.”

“Describe ways ChatGPT can Teach marketing professionals about new trends and skills.” 

Enhance your blog with feedback and refinement 

An essential part of creating content with ChatGPT is the iterative process of feedback and refinement. During this process, you may ask: 

  1. Does each section accurately reflect the idea I want to get across?  
  2. Does any information need to be reorganized? 
  3. Did any key points get missed that were a part of my original prompt? 
  4. Are there specific examples that could be added in? 
  5. Are there any problematic sentences or paragraphs that fall flat? Any jargon or buzzwords that should be removed? 
  6. Is the tone right, or do I need to make some modifications to better align with the author or brand?  
  7. Are the headings and subheadings compelling? Are there better alternatives? 
  8. Are there opportunities to improve SEO?  

 Here are some effective ways to use prompts to polish your blog: 

Provide constructive feedback 

After generating the initial draft, read through the content carefully and identify areas for improvement. You can then provide specific feedback to ChatGPT to refine the content. 

Example prompt: “Revise the section on using ChatGPT as a Critic to include more concrete examples of how it can evaluate marketing content.” 

Strengthen the content 

To enhance the quality of your blog or bring in third party evidence, ask ChatGPT for additional insights, statistics, or examples that can support your points and make the content more compelling. 

Example prompt: “Add recent statistics to the Introduction section emphasizing AI’s impact on digital marketing.” 

Finalize version one 

Ensure your blog is cohesive, engaging, and free of errors. You might also want to optimize the content for SEO by naturally incorporating relevant keywords.

Example prompt: “Proofread the blog for grammatical errors and suggest where to naturally include the keywords ‘ChatGPT for marketing’ and ‘Content Creation with AI’.” 

Embrace GenAI as a content co-creator 

We’ve found that using the above approach gets your blog content 85% to the finish line. That last 15% is where you have the opportunity to jump in and make additional refinements, ensuring the human side and expert opinion is fully reflected in the piece. 

Best practice may include moving ChatGPT’s version one into a document where you can make in-line changes more easily. You can continue to prompt ChatGPT to refine sections and sentences as you go until you’re happy with the final product. A final grammar and spelling check, again using ChatGPT, is always a good idea.  

Overall, valuable output from GenAI tools such as ChatGPT requires clear communication and iterative feedback – much like working with colleagues on a project. It often takes a trial-and-error approach, but as you practice and explore different prompting strategies mixed with your own creative choices, you’ll find that ChatGPT and alternatives provide a productive co-creator to your blog writing team.