Forrester Names Mercer-MacKay in Top 85 Global PR and Communication Agencies in the Channel

Channel technology companies need to adapt to the convergence of PR, marketing and advertising activities as part of their overall marketing strategy. In today’s dynamically changing digital landscape, one thing is for sure: technology companies need to adapt their sales and marketing strategies in order to have their message heard. At Mercer-MacKay Digital Storytelling, we […]

Channel technology companies need to adapt to the convergence of PR, marketing and advertising activities as part of their overall marketing strategy.

In today’s dynamically changing digital landscape, one thing is for sure: technology companies need to adapt their sales and marketing strategies in order to have their message heard.

At Mercer-MacKay Digital Storytelling, we were delighted to be recognized by Forrester as one of the top 85 PR agencies and communication agencies in the channel.

In the feature, Forrester noted a trend for the convergence of PR, marketing and advertising that will affect channel leaders in the days ahead.

From the shift to social selling exclusively to having executive leaders taking a stand publicly, it is more critical than ever to cut through the noise, be authentic and be an influencer through thought-leadership content in easy-to-digest formats.

As a thought-leadership-focused marketing agency that promotes data-driven digital storytelling for technology companies, we would like to share a few quick pointers for how to rise above the noise, be seen, and thrive during uncertain times.


3 Ways to Rise Above the Noise

1. Channel Companies Need to Shift, and Think About Doing Their Marketing in a New Way

Today’s B2B buyers consume an average of 4-5 pieces of content before they will engage in a sales process. That’s a lot of research. 62% of companies outsource their content marketing because they lack the time and expertise to manage their content marketing strategy in house1. There is a rise in demand for having the right pieces of content to influence consumers to engage in a sales conversation with your company. This can be done at the different stages of the buying cycle through digital marketing tactics.

With so much noise out there, content marketing assets need to stand out, with strong visuals and a key message, so consumers can make the right business decisions for their organizations.


2. Stay Visible by Promoting Your Expertise with Thought-Leadership Content

Top-of-funnel activities to educate today’s informed consumers are the critical piece for demand-generation as part of an overall marketing plan. 78% of CMOs believe that custom content is the future of marketing.2 Channel companies must use their unique expertise and methodologies that solve customer pain as part of their overall message.

Customer success stories are the foundation for great pieces of content. Social media has also now become a key focus for executives who are looking to engage with their audience of prospects, employees and partners on channels such as LinkedIn and YouTube.


3. Have an Opinion and Take a Stand Publicly

Executives are being called on to voice their values and do their part to promote positive social changes publicly on social media. Mercer-MacKay’s CEO, Gail Mercer-MacKay, shared her position through a recent article, Standing in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter, on LinkedIn, and is also actively involved with the Women in Technology (WIT) Network, which supports women who work in technology. Voicing an opinion, taking a stand and sharing beliefs is the new normal, as executive leaders must now do their part in creating lasting change in the wake of the transformative times we are now living in.

We are in unprecedented times, with many permanent changes shaping the way we work and engage with one another. Now is the time to focus on creating the right pieces of content by sharing your unique message with the world.

If you need help crafting your story with thought-leadership positioning, reach out to to arrange a consultation with a member of our team.

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